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"I think, the perfect team and career perspectives are the main advantages why I am working here. There are also all conditions and facilities to do effectively your duties."
Alena Vasylenko
Head of Practice

RULG in the Media

RULG frequently serves as a source of legal vision and expertise on a wide range of issues. Our attorneys are featured and quoted in the professional media both in and outside Ukraine. Below you will find selected quotes and publications featuring our attorneys.

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17 November 2009
Украинские юристы вошли в Консультативный совет Best Lawyers
10 November 2009
Валютные риски в работе ЮФ
Как отражается нестабильность курса национальной валюты на работе юриста

Вы можете ознакомиться с комментарием д-ра Ирины Палиашвили.
November 2009
Nine leading law firms from the countries of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) economic region announce the launch of a new alliance, The CIS Leading Counsel Network, which aims to transcend the national boundaries and offer clients a seamless advice across these fast developing markets.

The Lawyer (16 November 2009)
Nine-strong CIS legal network gets off ground
A nine-member CIS network that launched at the beginning of November is planning to bring the alliance model into the 21st century, according to its chair. The Leading Counsel Network (LCN) is a non-exclusive alliance of firms from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. The network's first meeting was held in Russia at the offices of Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners. RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group founder Irina Paliashvili was elected LCN's first chair in a one-year rotating presidency aimed at promoting democracy and ensuring that not only firms from the largest economies hold sway.

The Times (12 November 2009)
Bear-faced lawyers
In the week that good old Gorby was in Berlin to recall the collapse of the Soviet Empire it is highly appropriate that nine top law firms from the Commonwealth of Independent States should launch a new alliance, the CIS Leading Counsel Network, to offer clients "seamless advice across these fast developing markets".

For additional coverage please visit the LCN in the Media page
July 2009
Юридична газета
Всі дороги ведуть до Києва (Ксенія Забродська)
Проведено Четвертий Форум юридичних фірм країн СНД
Кінець червня ознаменувався для світової юридичної спільноти гарячим часом налагодження професійних зв'язків, а майданом для розвитку на перспективу стала столиця України, в якій відбувся Четвертий Форум юридичних фірм країн СНД (далі - "Форум"). Учасниками Форуму стали представники міжнародних та місцевих юридичних фірм, корпоративні юристи, представники засобів масової інформації та поважні гості - відомі бізнесмени, дипломати, науковці, державні службовці та навіть музиканти.
July 2009
Ukraine Forum Unites CIS as it Faces up to its Bribery and Corruption Demons by Tom Phillips
The fourth CIS Local Counsel Forum in Ukraine saw more than 150 lawyers and academics, as well as various government-representatives and one ambassador, meet in Kiev.
June 2009
Let Them Eat Cake by Tom Phillips
More than 150 lawyers and academics from law firms across the CIS have converged on a plush hotel in Kiev for the fourth annual CIS Local Counsel Forum. Friendly handshakes and smiles all round as the biggest legal get-together in the CIS hits its second day.
May 2009
Interview with Dr. Irina Paliashvili to Yurydychna Gazeta in which Dr. Paliashvili talks about legal profession, development of the RULG law practice in Ukraine, and the role of CIS Local Counsel Forum in building of the CIS legal community.
April 2009
"У нас не правила, а традиции": интервью с Ириной Палиашвили
о том, как родилась идея Форума юридических фирм СНГ, его миссии, итогах прошлогодней встречи в Санкт-Петербурге, а также о предстоящем, четвертом Форуме, который пройдет в Киеве в конце июня 2009.
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