"I think, the perfect team and career perspectives are the main advantages why I am working here. There are also all conditions and facilities to do effectively your duties."
Alena Vasylenko Head of Practice
RULG in the Media
RULG frequently serves as a source of legal vision and expertise on a wide range of issues. Our attorneys are featured and quoted in the professional media both in and outside Ukraine. Below you will find selected quotes and publications featuring our attorneys.
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RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group partners with Yuridicheskaya Practika Publishing's Ukrainian Journal of Business Law to provide coverage on the International Bar Association's 2006 Annual Conference. RULG President and Senior Counsel, Dr. Irina Paliashvili, participates in the 17-22 September 2006 Conference in Chicago, USA, and makes follow-up comments published in The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law (available for download below).
Dr. Irina Paliashvili was among several representatives of U.S. companies doing business in Ukraine who met with U.S. Ambassador William Taylor in Kiev on 8 September 2006. The meeting was arranged by Morgan Williams, Director, Government Affairs, Washington Office, SigmaBleyzer Emerging Markets Private Equity Group.
Dr. Paliashvili, President and Senior Counsel, RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A., Kiev and Washington, D.C., discussed with the Ambassador the present status of the legal framework for doing business in Ukraine and the highest priority legislative reforms that need to be adopted by the Parliament. [see article by Dr. Paliashvili]
Paliashvili said, "the current legal basis for doing business in Ukraine is not only inadequate, but to a large extent it sabotages the development of a market economy in Ukraine. The main priority for the Government, therefore, should be to act, and to act swiftly and decisively.
Ukraine's legal system can be improved immediately and dramatically just by cancelling the most archaic and damaging legislation, using the so called 'guillotine' principle, which worked successfully in other countries that undertook modernization reforms."
Richard Smith, Senior Counsel, Ukrainian Legal Group, discusses issues related to Ukrainian companies' access to foreign capital markets, specifically through follow-on offerings of their common stock on foreign exchanges.
To date, the "exchange of choice" for Ukrainian companies looking to float their stock internationally has been the London Stock Exchange. And the major reason Ukrainian companies prefer London to New York: America's infamous Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and in particular, its Section 404, which heightens scrutiny of the financial controls of small companies.
In the near future, that pro-British bias may begin to erode, however. Worried by the disproportionate impact of Section 404 on small businesses, whose compliance costs can make up a significant portion of their annual revenues, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is considering relaxing the strictures of Section 404 -- or even freeing small companies from its regulation entirely. While the future of these reforms is still uncertain, the more the regulations are relaxed, the more attractive U.S. stock markets may become to Ukrainian companies.
The Russian Law Journal "Kollegia" (issue #4 of April 2006) features articles on the seminar "Mediation as an Alternative Method for Commercial Dispute Resolution in the Area of Intellectual Property", co-organized by RULG together with the prominent Russian law firm Pepeliaev, Goltsblat & Partners with the help of International Trademark Association INTA and active participation of Russian Corporate Counsel Association (RCCA). The seminar was held in Moscow, Russia on 18 April 2006.
Российский правовой журнал Коллегия (No. 4, апрель 2006) поместил статью о семинаре на тему "Медиация, как альтернативный метод разрешения коммерческих споров в области интеллектуальной собственности", организованном юридической фирмой "Пепеляев, Гольцблат и партнеры" с участием Российско-украинской юридической группы при активном содействии Международной ассоциации по товарным знакам (INTA) и участии Объединения корпоративных юристов (ОКЮР). Семинар состоялся в Москве 18 апреля 2006 года.
Irina Paliashvili, President of the "Ukrainian Legal Group" law firm, believes that the ideal law firm should offer its clients not just legal expertise but solutions based on it; it should be business-oriented but, at the same time, it should not replace business-consultants.
The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law (December 2005 issue, Vol. 3, No. 12) features an article on the INTA Mediation Seminar, co-organized by RULG, that was held in Kiev, Ukraine, on 29 November 2005.
The journal Intelektualna Vlasnist (December 2005 issue) describes the INTA Mediation Seminar, co-organized by RULG, that was held in Kiev, Ukraine, on 29 November 2005.
Как заметила Ирина Палиашвили, представитель юридической фирмы «Украинская юридическая группа», в самых крупных делах в Российской Федерации участие принимали медиаторы-бизнесмены, которые лучше вникали в интересы предпринимательских кругов.
As noted by Irina Paliashvili, a representative of the law firm "Ukrainian Legal Group", mediators-entrepreneurs, who have better insight into the interests of business circles, have taken part in major cases in the Russian Federation.
An interview given by RULG President, Dr. Irina Paliashvili, to the Kyiv Post on measures needed to improve Ukraine's business and investment environment.
Интервью д-ра Ирины Палиашвили, Президента Российско-украинской юридической группы, газете “Киев Пост” о мерах, необходимых для улучшения деловой и инвестиционной среды в Украине.
In addition to responsibility, pointed out Victor Kovalenko, the lawyer who makes a mistake can suffer other consequences; for instance, the degree of complexity of the cases that s/he is trusted with might change. According to Victor Kovalenko, when a lawyer makes a mistake, s/he should rectify it for free, and the task, in the course of which the mistake was committed, should be completed for free or with a significant discount.
А помимо ответственности для юриста,
допустившего ошибку, как отметил Виктор Коваленко, могут наступать и другие
последствия, например, изменится уровень сложности поручаемых ему дел. По
словам Виктора Коваленко, в случае допущения ошибки она исправляется бесплатно,
а поручение, в ходе которого была совершена ошибка, выполняется либо без оплаты,
либо со значительными скидками.
On 14 November 2004, a joint session of the EBA Legal Committee and Sub-Committee on Real Estate was held. The first issue on the agenda was a discussion of the results of the Working Group's activities on drafting the Statute and provision of the "EBA Court of Arbitration". The keynote speaker was Victor Kovalenko, the head of the Working Group and the managing partner of "Ukrainian Legal Group, LLC" (ULG). In the course of the discussion, a lot of issues were raised with respect to the competence of the court to consider disputes between legal entities resident in Ukraine and enterprises with foreign investments. At the conclusion, Dr. Irina Paliashvili, president of ULG, highlighted the imminent necessity of starting the court's operations in view of the expected increase in the number of such courts in the near future. "The court should be set up and running as soon as possible, and so it is necessary to attract clients today and to develop one's image", - noted Mrs. Paliashvili.
Первым вопросом, вынесенным
на обсуждение участников заседания, стали результаты труда рабочей группы по
подготовке устава и положения <О третейском суде при ЕВА>. Основным
докладчиком выступил руководитель рабочей группы управляющий партнер юридической
фирмы <Украинская юридическая группа> (ULG) Виктор Коваленко. В ходе
обсуждения поднимались многочисленные вопросы в части компетенции суда
относительно рассмотрения споров между юридическими лицами-резидентами и
предприятиями с иностранными инвестициями. В заключение президент ULG Ирина
Палиашвили указала, что необходимость немедленного начала работы суда назрела
давно ввиду ожидаемого роста количества таких судов в недалеком будущем. <Суд
должен приступить к работе как можно скорее, поскольку уже сегодня следует
приобретать клиентуру и зарабатывать имидж>, - заметила г-жа