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"I like my work with this company, I like the team and the atmosphere, my work develops my creativity and gives me many perspectives in the future."
Oksana Korelova
Senior Counsel


Governments on the WWW: Ukraine provides links to various sites sponsored by the Ukrainian Government both in Ukraine and abroad.

U.S. - Ukraine Business Counsel Based in Washington, DC, the Council promotes US and Ukrainian commercial ties through regular interactions with US and Ukrainian business and government leaders, and through the analysis and advocacy of key policy issues impacting US businesses and the future of US-Ukrainian relations.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine provides international business community with a networking and informational platform. .

The European Business Association is a forum for discussion and resolution of problems facing the private sector in Ukraine, which brings together over 750 European, including national, and international companies.

Embassy of Ukraine in the United States This site provides information on Ukraine, in addition to a number of links to interesting sites on Ukraine.

Embassy of the United States in Ukraine contains information about its personnel and services as well as links to related U.S. Government agencies.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) provides strategic insights and policy solutions to decision makers in government, international institutions, the private sector, and civil society.

The Center for US Ukrainian Relations (CUSUR) provides a set of "informational platforms" or venues for senior-level representatives of the political, economic, security and diplomatic establishments of the United States and Ukraine to exchange views on a wide range of issues of mutual interest.

Cercle Économique France-Ukraine (CEFU) is a non-profit organization the mission of which is to deepen economic relations between France and Ukraine. It is based in Alsace and Lorraine (France) and cooperates with small and medium enterprises, government and non-government organizations. RULG is a partner of the organization since 2011.

Франко-український бізнес-клуб (CEFU) – неприбуткова організація, що ставить на меті поглиблення економічних відносин між Францією та Україною. Вона базується в регіонах Ельзасі та Лотарингії (Франція) та співпрацює з малими та середніми підприємствами, урядовими та неурядовими організаціями. RULG є партнером організації з 2011 року.

The Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA) is a national bar association of U.S. judges and attorneys admitted to the Bar of any State and U.S. law students, of Ukrainian descent and those with an interest in Ukrainian matters.

U.S. Department of State, The Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs

Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW) is a global association of over 100 independent law firms located in more than 150 major commercial centres throughout the world.

Legalink is a network of independent law firms whose member law firms are able to provide legal services worldwide.

The America - Georgia Business Development Council was formed in January, 1998, in response to requests from a number of companies. The Council's objective is to raise Georgia's visibility in North America as an exciting place to invest and do business, and to maximize opportunities in Georgia for our members.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Georgia is an association aiming to promote the development of commercial relations between Georgia, the United States of America, and the international community in Georgia.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia is the leading business association in the country with over 80 members from all business segments. Through advocacy efforts aimed at such areas as tax legislation and customs administration, AmCham represents its members' business interests in Armenia to the Armenian government, international organizations, and to the wider business community.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan's mission is to promote the business interests of its members by working to improve the business climate in Azerbaijan and by providing services to its members.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova is a non-governmental non-profit organization, founded on September 4, 2006. As a member of the international network of 112 AmChams from 99 countries worldwide, AmCham Moldova connects businesses and business leaders to share the common goal of bringing the entrepreneurial spirit and the cultures of Moldova and the United States closer together.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia promotes the development of commercial relations between the Russian Federation and the international community.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan represents nearly 200 member companies including US, multi-national, and local businesses in 30 industry sectors. The Chamber provides an opportunity for its members and country government officials to find ways for cooperation and dialogue, promotes an open forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and experience for doing business in Kazakhstan, and serves as a valuable source of information on useful business contacts and information to investors in Kazakhstan.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Uzbekistan is a voluntary, independent association of businesspersons and entities that unites mostly foreign companies originating from US, Europe and South Pacific Asia. AmCham's membership is diverse, representing all types and sizes of businesses and their interests with over 70 members.

The U.S.-Russia Business Council (USRBC) is a Washington-based trade association that provides significant business development, dispute resolution, government relations, and market intelligence services to its American and Russian member companies.

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