Clients and Projects

Client Policy OECD-EU Project

"I like very much my job because of professionals, working in this company. You can always ask for advice if you are not sure in something. They are open to discuss all your questions at anytime."
Lilia Gokieli

Clients Policy

We seek to build long-term relationships with our clients, based on trust and producing loyalty by emphasizing quality over quantity. We take on fewer clients than some law firms, but those that seek us out tend to be very demanding companies with need for assistance in multiple areas of law. To our clients we promise:

  • competent, responsible, timely, and cost-effective service,
  • full dedication to getting the job done, and
  • well-organized team work.

Our policy with respect to our clients is to put the client's interest first in all matters. This policy manifests itself in all aspects our practice, including:

billing rateswe offer rates extremely competitive with those of our international law firm colleagues by:

  • performing most legal work on-site in Ukraine, using the services of our local Ukrainian attorneys who know the laws best and can advise on them in the most cost efficient manner, and
  • in contrast to most of our international competitors, not rotating attorneys into and out of the country on short "experience-building" stints. We feel that training our attorneys is our responsibility, and not something for which our clients should bear the expense;

billing procedureswe keep clients fully informed of the work we perform on their behalf, and updated on costs as they accrue, and where we are always willing to work with a client on discussing the estimated legal budget and formatting and authorizing bills in the manner most convenient to the client's in-house accounting departments;

confidentialitywe maintain all client-provided information in strict confidence, revealing such information to third parties only under instructions and with the prior written authorization of the client;

professional liability insurancein contrast to many other Ukrainian firms, we maintain adequate levels of coverage to protect our clients' interests at all times, despite the fact that over more than a decade of practice, we have never had a client complaint resulting in a need to avail ourselves of such coverage;

avoiding conflicts of interestour firm conducts a conflicts search any time we suspect that a potential new client's interests could conceivably be directly adverse to the interests of another client, and where we decline to represent clients with conflicting interests absent the written consent of all parties concerned;

adherence to best practices in anticorruptionwe comply fully with the requirements of both the U.S.'s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") and the OECD's Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;

sharing the results of continuing legal educationour attorneys constantly educate themselves on new developments in the law and pass their knowledge on to our clients in our complimentary monthly Chronicle of Legislative Developments, publish papers in scholarly and trade publications and speak at, and in many cases organize, conferences and seminars; and

professional ethics in generalour firm adheres to the highest standards codified in the rules of conduct promulgated by the District of Columbia Bar in the United States.

Because we respect our Clients' privacy, we have a long-term policy of not publicly disclosing names of our clients. We are proud to note, however, that our clients include:

  • multinational companies operating in various industries such as consumer goods ("FMCG"), construction, project finance, the auto industry, telecommunications, oil & gas, banking, and many others;

  • major international law firms based in the United States and in most European capitals; and

  • governments and international governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutionswe have worked on several projects on improving the general investment regime in Ukraine and also working to improve the regulation of specific industries such as oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, intellectual property protection, etc.
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