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"I think, the perfect team and career perspectives are the main advantages why I am working here. There are also all conditions and facilities to do effectively your duties."
Alena Vasylenko
Head of Practice

RULG in the Media

RULG frequently serves as a source of legal vision and expertise on a wide range of issues. Our attorneys are featured and quoted in the professional media both in and outside Ukraine. Below you will find selected quotes and publications featuring our attorneys.

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8 February 2021
Yurydychna Gazeta/ Юридична Газета (Legal Newspaper)

Article by Irina Paliashvili, "Virtual Unreality of Dispute Resolution" on personal impressions from participating in virtual hearing, pro and con arguments and implications this new format would have on the system of international dispute resolution.

You may download Dr. Paliashvili's article in PDF or read it online (in English)

8 February 2021
Yurydychna Gazeta/ Юридична Газета (Legal Newspaper)

Interview by Irina Paliashvili. (in English) on career development and female leadership, progress and roadblocks in achieving gender balance in legal profession, crisis response, inspirations and motivations, as well as a Margaret Thatcher’s masterclass on composure. You may also read the interview in PDF format.

1 January 2021
Yurydychna Gazeta/ Юридична Газета (Legal Newspaper), Special Issue "Hundred Top Lawyers of Ukraine (Clients' Choice) 2020"

Irina Paliashvili was again included in the Hundred Top Lawyers of Ukraine.
Her listing is on p. 5 of the file (p. 8 of the document) in alphabetical order and on p. 70 of the file (p. 138 of the document) in section on International Law and International Trade. You may view Irina's profile separately in PDF.

1 September 2020
Yurydychna Gazeta/ Юридична Газета (Legal Newspaper), Special Issue Ukrainian Women in Law 2020

Interview by Irina Paliashvili on gender balance in legal profession and other professional issues.
You may also read the interview in PDF format.

24 August 2020
Voice of America (VOA) TV program on the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) Zoom event, In Celebration of Ukraine’s Independence Day: 1991-2020 with comments by Dr. Irina Paliashvili

Commentary on 29 Years of Independence and Moving Ukraine Forward to 2021.

22 May 2019
Voice of America (VOA) Panel “A view from Washington: Threats and Challenges awaiting Volodymyr Zelensky”

Dr. Irina Paliashvili speaks on the Rule of Law, Judicial Reform, and Investment Climate in Ukraine

in English
in Ukrainian

20 March 2018
Voice of America

RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili is interviewed by Voice of America (broadcasted in Ukraine at 5th Chanel TV; starting 9:07) at the Atlantic Council event "Kremlin Aggression in Ukraine: Seeking Restitution for Private Property Seized and Destroyed". Voice of America also published an article on this subject.

7 November 2017
Global Arbitration Review

A summary of a highly publicized arbitration case, in which Dr. Paliashvili acted as a key expert witness on oil & gas legislation and production sharing agreements regime, was published by the Global Arbitration Review entitled "Total defeats US$22 billion claim".

Global Arbitration Review: "Total defeats US$22 billion claim"

30 October 2017
Apteka (Pharmacy) Newspaper

A report on the presentation on "Intellectual Property as a Driver of Ukraine‘s Pharma Sector: Ongoing IPR Reforms" delivered by Dr. Irina Paliashvili (prepared jointly with RULG Senior Counsel Olga Nevmerzhytska) at the Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland (JCC)'s Switzerland-Ukraine Pharma Roundtable held on 19 September 2017, was published in the Apteka newspaper.

The PDF version of the presentation can be downloaded in English and the newspaper report can be viewed in Ukrainian

October 2017, Issue 10
Украінскйі юрист/Ukrainian Lawyer

RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili was interviewed by a leading legal publication in Ukraine Ukrainian Lawyer on her "Rules of Life".

The interview can be viewed in Ukrainian

24 October 2017
Юридична практика/ Yurydychna Practika

RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili was interviewed by a leading legal publication in Ukraine Yurydychna Practika on her participation in the IBA (International Bar Association) annual meeting in Sydney.

The PDF version can be downloaded in Russian or viewed.

23 October 2017
Lawyers Weekly (Australia)

Two reports on the panel "Re-Inventing Yourself: Recognising Decision Points in Your Career" in which Dr. Paliashvili participated, and which was held on 9 October 2017 at the International Bar Association (IBA) annual meeting in Sydney are available for download:

The Pursuit Of Happiness in the Law
How to Fail Well

12 October 2017
International Bar Association (IBA) Daily News (IFLR publication)

Dr. Irina Paliashvili's presentation at the the panel "The partner as a coach and mentor" which was held on 11 October 2017 at the International Bar Association (IBA) annual meeting in Sydney was covered in the article "Mentoring: the Key to Success".

The PDF version is available for download.

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