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"I like my work with this company, I like the team and the atmosphere, my work develops my creativity and gives me many perspectives in the future."
Oksana Korelova
Senior Counsel

RULG in the Media

RULG frequently serves as a source of legal vision and expertise on a wide range of issues. Our attorneys are featured and quoted in the professional media both in and outside Ukraine. Below you will find selected quotes and publications featuring our attorneys.

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21 October 2014
Yurydychna Gazeta / Юридична газета
№30 (424)

U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) - Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) Conference on Legal and Governance Reform. Presentation of the USUBC White Paper on Legal Reform.

Sponsoring law firms: Asters, Avellum Partners, Clifford Chance, CMS Cameron McKenna, Dentons, DLA Piper Ukraine, KM Partners, RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group, Squire Patton Boggs, Volkov & Partners.

The USUBC - KSE Conference on Legal and Governance Reform was successfully held on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at the Kyiv School of Economics. The conference can be watched (starts with 30:30) on YouTube. The final Program is available here. You may read the media coverage of the Conference by Yurydychna Gazeta.

The conference was devoted to the White Paper on Legal and Governance Reform, which was jointly developed by ten leading law firms on a pro-bono basis under the auspices of U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC). The English and Ukrainian versions of the White Paper are at USUBC Web site.

You may read report published by Yurydychna Gazeta, №30 (424) of 21 October 2014 in PDF format in Ukrainian

2 October 2014
Kyiv Post
Op-ed — by Irina Paliashvili

Legal and governance reform needed in Ukraine

Ukraine needs a fundamental, systematic and structural re-design of its entire legal and governance system. The current system, which is enforced by a massive bureaucratic class, is not only inadequate, but it also sabotages any chances of Ukraine to become a modern State with a developed market economy integrated into the globalized world economy.

You may read full article in English or download it in PDF format.

September 2014
The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law

Testing Times for Professional Cohesion

After the tragic events in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, this year the traditional CIS Local Counsel Forum moved outside the CIS region for the first time ever. Instead of Sochi the 9th venue was held in Vienna on 27-29 June.

You may read the article in English here or download it in PDF format.

June-July 2014
International Bar Association's Global Insight Magazine

Fighting for a better future: Ukraine
Dr. Irina Paliashvili contributes to the article on the situation in Ukraine by the International Bar Association's flagship magazine, Global Insight.

The article examines the issues which could shape the outcome of the situation in Ukraine.

International Bar Association is the world's leading organization of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies.

22 Мая 2014
Деловой журнал Юридический Бизнес

Этот вызов мы приняли: интервью с Ириной Палиашвили
Беседовал: Виталий Крец

27-29 июня очаровательная Вена принимает девятый форум юридических стран СНГ, который по праву считается ключевым событием деловой и профессиональной жизни управляющих партнеров юридических  компаний, ведущих дела на постсоветском пространстве. О том, как идет подготовка очередного CIS Local Counsel Forum, и почему он состоится, несмотря на неудобные для этого времена, мы поговорили с Сопредседателем Форума Ириной Палиашвили, управляющим партнером юридической фирмы RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group.

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