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"I like my job and the team I am working with, however the career of a lawyer requires permanent self progress. My company encourages me achieving such progress by attending seminars and conferences."
Iryna Ostapenko

RULG in the Media

RULG frequently serves as a source of legal vision and expertise on a wide range of issues. Our attorneys are featured and quoted in the professional media both in and outside Ukraine. Below you will find selected quotes and publications featuring our attorneys.

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30 December 2016
Kyiv Post

Irina Paliashvili's Op-ed "How to move forward in this transitional time".
The PDF version can be downloaded in English.

22 December 2016
Novoye Vremia

Irina Paliashvili's Op-ed "How to Build New Ukraine. We saw a glimpse of Future on Maidan" in Ukrainian and Russian. The PDF version can be downloaded and in Russian and Ukrainian.

16 December 2016
Voice of America

RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili is interviewed by Voice of America (broadcasted in Ukraine at 5th Chanel TV; starting 0:05:40) on creating a system of parallel dispute resolution institutions to improve easy of doing business in Ukraine.

14 April 2016
Voice of America

RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili is interviewed by Voice of America (broadcasted in Ukraine at 5th Chanel TV) on borrowing a modern European legal system for Ukraine.

03 березня 2016 / 3 March 2016
Юридична Газета / Yurydychna Gazeta

Ukrainian Women in Law 2016
RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili is included in the list of most successful and well-known (publicity index) women lawyers in Ukraine based on the surveys conducted by Yurydychna Gazeta, a leading legal publication in Ukraine.

22 February 2016
Kyiv Post

Irina Paliashvili's Op-ed "Process v. Results": Ukraine's politicians use process to excuse lack of results

22 февраля 2016
Новое Время

Статья Ирины Палиашвили «Как вытеснить систему процесса системой результата» на русском.

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