Conferences and Professional Events

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May 28-29, 2003
Moscow, Russia
RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili speaks at the Euroforum Conference "Trademarks in Russia/CIS: Optimal Protection, Dispute Resolution, Enforcement" on the topic of trademark protection in Ukraine. The conference agenda is available in Adobe PDF. The text of Dr. Paliashvili's presentation is available on this page in English and Russian.
April 14-15, 2003
Florence, Italy
RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili attends the Roundtable on Caspian Oil & Gas Scenarios sponsored by International Energy Agency / European University Institute / Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies and gives a presentation on Investment Risk in South Caspian Delimitation. This presentation is available in MS Word, and the Workshop program and agenda are available for viewing in HTML.
November 11, 2002
Paris, France
RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili attends the International Energy Agency's Workshop on Caspian Oil and Gas Scenarios and gives a presentation on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea. This presentation is available in MS Word, and the Workshop program and agenda are available for viewing in HTML.
June 18, 2002
Washington, D.C.
RULG Senior Counsel Richard Smith attends the First Annual IT Conference, held at the Embassy of Ukraine sponsored by the US-Ukraine Digital Alliance. Mr. Smith delivers a presentation explaining Legal Aspects of IT Applications in Ukraine and participates in a panel discussion of Ukraine's prospects for foreign investment.
April 17-18, 2002
Kiev, Ukraine
RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili speaks at the 3rd meeting of the OECD Eurasian Corporate Governance Roundtable. The conference agenda and Dr. Paliashvili's presentation (in English, Russian, and Ukrainian) are available in MS Word.
February 21-22, 2002
Kiev, Ukraine
RULG Senior Counsel Richard Smith attends the High-Tech Cooperation Forum where he delivers a presentation on the legal aspects of some high-tech transactions in Ukraine. Mr. Smith's presentation is available in MS Word.
January 29-30, 2002
Moscow, Russia
RULG President Dr. Irina Paliashvili and ULG Senior Counsel Tamara Lukanina participate in the Euroforum Conference on Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Russia and the CIS. Please see our IP Rights page for the conference agenda and their presentations.
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