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10th Forum, Tbilisi, Georgia 17-20 June 2015 9th Forum, Vienna, Austria 27-29 June 2014 8th Forum, Kiev-Odessa, Ukraine 26-29 June 2013 7th Forum, Yerevan, Armenia 6-8 June 2012 6th Forum Almaty, Kazakhstan 22-24 June 2011 5th Forum Minsk, Belarus 23-25 June 2010 4th Forum Kiev, Ukraine 24-26 June 2009 3rd Forum St. Petersburg, Russia 25-27 June 2008 2nd Forum Baku, Azerbaijan 20 – 22 June 2007 1st Forum Kiev, Ukraine 28-30 June 2006

Organizing Committee:


Dr. Irina Paliashvili
President and Senior Counsel
RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.

Mr. John Whittaker
Clyde & Co LLP

Mr. Dimitry Afanasiev
Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners

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On 7 June 2012, during Globalization Challenge Panel we conducted the instant interactive voting with Forum's audience and offer its results on this page

Who is the President of Armenia?

Correct answer - B: Serhz Sargsyan
Who of the following musician is Armenian?

Correct answer - C: Charles Aznavour

What is the name for Armenia in Armenian?

Correct answer - A: Hayastan
Which Country doesn't share boarders with Armenia?

Correct answer - C: Iraq
How Many UNESCO sites does Armenia have?

Correct answer - B: 3
Original Armenia alphabet was introduced in:

Correct answer - C: 405 A.D

Is your law firm a member of any formal or informal international network?
Является ли Ваша фирма членом какого-либо формального или неформального объединения юридических фирм?

Have you considered or are you considering a merger with a law firm outside of your jurisdiction?
Рассматриваете или рассматривали ли Вы когда-либо возможность слияния с юридической фирмой, находящейся за пределами Вашей юрисдикции?

Will we see new global law firms emerge that are led from the CIS?
Возможно ли зарождение в экономическом регионе СНГ новых глобальных юридических фирм?

Will the market for legal services in the CIS benefit if national practice rights and obligations for lawyers are tightened up and clarified?
Выиграет ли юридический рынок СНГ от повышения степени жесткости и прозрачности регулирования юридической профессии на национальных рынках?

Should the national authorities restrict practicing of national law to foreign law firms?
Должны ли национальные правительства ограничивать доступ зарубежных юридических фирм к юридической практики в своих странах?

Would outside investment in CIS law firms be a good thing?
Оцениваете ли Вы зарубежные инвестиции в юридические фирмы СНГ положительно?

Thinking about your own practice, do you expect the percentage of work you do that is cross border to increase over the next five years?
Ожидаете ли Вы прироста транснациональной работы в практике Вашей юридической фирмы в ближайшие пять лет?

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