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10th Forum, Tbilisi, Georgia 17-20 June 2015 9th Forum, Vienna, Austria 27-29 June 2014 8th Forum, Kiev-Odessa, Ukraine 26-29 June 2013 7th Forum, Yerevan, Armenia 6-8 June 2012 6th Forum Almaty, Kazakhstan 22-24 June 2011 5th Forum Minsk, Belarus 23-25 June 2010 4th Forum Kiev, Ukraine 24-26 June 2009 3rd Forum St. Petersburg, Russia 25-27 June 2008 2nd Forum Baku, Azerbaijan 20 – 22 June 2007 1st Forum Kiev, Ukraine 28-30 June 2006

Organizing Committee:


Dr. Irina Paliashvili
President and Senior Counsel
RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.

Mr. John Whittaker
Clyde & Co LLP

Mr. Dimitry Afanasiev
Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners

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Comments, please…

On this page you will find comments made by delegates about the Forum. We are very grateful to those who have already expressed their views, and invite you to send us more comments, which we will be happy to post on this page.

31 июля 2014
Спасибо за чудесный и незабываемый Праздник, который Вы с Вашей командой организовали для юристов СНГ. Незабывемы содержательные учебные занятия. Ну и особенно запомнилась всеобщая  встреча в уютной харчевне на окраине Вены, где молодость продолжилась в зажигательных танцах.
Валерий Булович
ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
г. Атырау, Казахстан

18 July 2014
Thank you for another excellent conference. If you will permit me to say so as someone looking in from outside, while there are lawyers in the CIS of the calibre and integrity of those I met this year and last, there are still many reasons to be optimistic about the future.
Mr. James Clifford
Maitland Chambers
London, United Kingdom

10 July 2014
Just a note to congratulate and thank you and your welcome team on all your wonderful work on the event in Vienna - it was a great conference, really enjoyable and informative, and with wonderful social venues - and I know from experience that these things only run so smoothly when there is someone like you to look after the delegates so well.
Tim Hughes
IBA Deputy Executive Director
International Bar Association
London, United Kingdom

10 July 2014
Thank you for organising such a wonderful conference, your amazingly positive and constructive approach to all the difficult issues that you must have encountered should be an example to us all. The idea of having the 10th conference in Tbilisi is a wonderful one and I will be there for sure.
Christopher Coffin
(on behalf of Withers LLP)
London, United Kingdom

9 июля 2014
Спасибо за хорошее мероприятие в Вене! Считаю, что все было на высшем уровне.
Лана Синичкина
Киев, Украина

2 июля 2014 г.
Это был один из самых теплых, дружественных Форумов. Еще раз искренне благодарю Вас за предоставленную возможность так замечательно провести время!
Нигора Авазмухамедова
Адвокатская Фирма COUNCIL
г. Ташкент, Узбекистан

2 July 2014
Thanks for all your hard work in producing another memorable forum. Again the perfect mix of old friends and new contacts. I recognise that this must have been one of the most challenging of all the forums, taking into account the political instability, but it was another great success.
Charles Pugh
Bristows LLP
London, United Kingdom

30 июня 2014 г.
Совместное мероприятие с Balkan Legal Forum получилось замечательное. Редко встретишь такое количество приятных людей в одном месте. Я получил огромное удовольствие от общения.
Василий Рудомино
Юридическая фирма АЛРУД
Москва, Россия

29 June 2014
It was a fantastic Forum this year again, high quality panels, high-level social events.
Dr. Hermann J. Knott
Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Köln, Germany

23 July 2013
Спасибо за проведенное мероприятие, нам было очень полезно его посетить и обстановка была потрясающе дружеской и приветливой.
Денис Пучков
Адвокатское бюро "Пучков и Партнеры"
Екатеринбург, Россия

18 July 2013
Спешу поблагодарить Вас еще раз от всей души и от всего сердца за очередной прекрасный и незабываемый форум!  Спасибо Вам огромное за как всегда безукоризненную подготовку всего мероприятия, интереснейшие темы панелей, интереснейших докладчиков, теплую и семейную атмосферу.  Отдельное спасибо за первоклассную организацию поездки в Одессу и за Одесскую программу, гвоздем которой был, конечно же, концерт. Все исполненные произведения были потрясающими. Еще раз огромнейшее спасибо Вам и всей команде RULG!  И, конечно же, успехов и процветания Вашей фирме и форуму!
Olga Mikhaleva
- Foreign Lawyer -
Hengeler Mueller Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten
Frankfurt, Germany

17 July 2013
It was a great idea to organize a part of the Forum in Odessa. That gave me a broader perspective of the country. I think that the multiculturalism of the city reflects the idea of the CIS Forum - to gather people from various countries, get them acquainted, and create conditions for further contacts and cooperation. I must say that Odessa is worth of all the admiration and opinions that I have ever heard about it.
Wlodzimierz Szoszuk
Wardynski & Partners
Warsaw, Poland

9 July 2013
I congratulate and thank you for organising and leading such a great event with true warmth and panache. I enjoyed it enormously, as did Judy who found for herself that I had not exaggerated when I spoke of the friendliness and informality that I experienced in Yerevan last year. I look forward to Sochi next year.
Christopher Coffin
(on behalf of Withers LLP)
London, United Kingdom

9 July 2013
I wanted to write and thank you too for looking after the guests so well! It was a great few days, and I loved both Kiev and Odessa – wonderful hotels, friendly lawyers (true!), and excellent restaurants. I loved our evening by the Black Sea in Odessa, but the highlight must be the Odessa Symphony Orchestra. It was an inspired idea, and the orchestra (and Hobart) were so incredibly generous with their time. What a lovely memory, sitting in the front row for our own private concert. Thank you so much for arranging it all.
Judy Coffin
London, United Kingdom

8 July 2013
A note to thank you for the major feat of organisation and entertainment that was the CIS Local Counsel Forum. It was extremely well-attended by very interesting individuals and was for me of huge benefit. In addition to its value from the professional perspective, the great variety of events and settings made it a most enjoyable conference to attend.
Alexander Walsh
Enyo Law LLP
London, United Kingdom

7 July 2013
Congratulations on organising such an excellent event.
James Clifford
Maitland Chambers
London, United Kingdom

4 July 2013
Congratulations for the event. Everything was fantastic. I really liked very much to attend it and I expect to participate next year.
António Paula Varela
Gouveia Pereira, Costa Freitas & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, R.L.
Lisbon, Portugal

4 июля 2013 г
Огромное спасибо за абсолютно чудесный форум! Я на нем первый раз и совершенно искренне нахожусь под впечатлением от обстановки, насыщенности, приятнейших сюрпризов, отличной организации и т.д. У меня необычайно приятные впечатления и сожаление о том, что ранее не доводилась побывать на форуме.  Мне очень понравилось – атмосфера, выбранные места, экскурсии и буквально все!  Надеюсь, буду еще на форуме!
Юлия Иглина
Адвокатское бюро «Егоров, Пугинский, Афанасьев и Партнеры»
Москва, Россия
Julia Iglina
Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners
Moscow, Russia

4 July 2013
Once again, many congratulations to you and your team for the perfect organization of the Forum in Kiev and Odessa. I wish that all conferences to which we attended in the past encountered the same rate of success and satisfaction.
Cyril Troyanov
Altenburger Ltd. legal + tax
Geneva, Switzerland

4 July 2013
I was truly inspired by your conference. I cannot tell you on how many levels your conference affected me, and I felt so enriched by the experience. I normally go to these conferences because one does, but in this case I really, really got so much from it.
Paul Marmor
Sherrards Solicitors LLP
United Kingdom

2 July 2013
Thank you for hosting such a successful and enjoyable conference. Everything ran extremely smoothly, which was down to the hard work of you and your team. As well as being a highly informative forum, what I will particularly remember is the very friendly and engaging attitude of all, which was most appreciated by those of us coming from outside the CIS.
Charles Pugh
for Bristows LLP
London, United Kingdom

1 July 2013
I have to say that the forum that you have created is fantastic. The quality of the programme and participants was consistently high , the atmosphere was friendly and business like and your entire team were friendly and efficient.
Kevin Gold
Mishcon de Reya
United Kingdom

1 July 2013
Я хочу поблагодарить вас за организацию такого интересного Форума. Прием и организация были безупречными.
Эльвира Унтила

27 июня 2013 г.
Огромное спасибо за ваши усилия. Как всегда Форум проходит на высочайшем уровне.
Василий Рудомино
Юридическая фирма «Ал Руд»
Москва, Россия

Хотел бы поблагодарить за высокий уровень организации мероприятия в Ереване – все было на надлежащем уровне и работа Вашей команды стала хорошим примером для меня и, как я слышал, для многих других участников.
Гая Соболев
Генеральный директор
Юридического бюро «Соболев и партнеры»
Тверь, Россия

Всегда, приезжая на форум, я замечаю, как время как будто останавливается. И эти несколько дней наполняются столь теплым общением, что, возвращаясь в офис за рабочий стол, уже начинаешь скучать по этой дружественной обстановке, первым делом отмечая в календаре дату следующего мероприятия.  Спасибо Вам и всей Вашей команде за первоклассную организацию!
Olga Mikhaleva
- Foreign Lawyer -
Hengeler Mueller
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

As you know, this was the first of these conferences that I have attended and it will take a lot to keep me away from them from now on! The content of the conference was extremely useful and informative and, above all, the atmosphere was one of great friendship and support and, as a first time attender as well as being a non-Russian speaker, I was made to feel welcome and felt I was amongst friends. ... I was truly impressed.
Christopher Coffin
Partner, Litigation and Arbitration
(on behalf of Withers LLP)
London, United Kingdom

Olga Mikhaleva and myself would like to thank you full-heartedly for pulling all us together and have another great exchange of views and multiple opportunities to deepen the personal and professional relationship between the old as well as new members of the Forum.
Dr. Cord-Georg Hasselmann, Partner
Hengeler Mueller Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten
Berlin, Germany

I would like to thank you for inviting us to Minsk - it was a great event and a very informative and useful trip for us.
Eugene Matveichuk
Osborne Clarke
London, United Kingdom

Pravotoday in UA: Бытует мнение, что коммуникация в среде юридического сообщества России не достаточно развита. Каково Ваше мнение по этому поводу?

Юрий Пустовит: Полагаю, что это уже миф из прошлого, поскольку сегодня есть целый ряд ежегодных форумов и конференций, где самые успешные юристы, практикующие в России, странах СНГ, Европе, Америке и ряде других стран, открыто делятся своим опытом с коллегами. К самым ярким таким событиям следует отнести Ежегодный юридический форум стран СНГ, организованный выдающейся юридической фирмой RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A., Управление юридической фирмой, организованную IBA при поддержке потрясающих консультантов из LegalStudies.Ru, Международный юридический форум "Белые ночи", организованный LegalStudies.Ru, Юридический бизнес на Юге России, организованный юридической фирмой "Эберг, Степанов и партнеры" и ряд других. Уникальная атмосфера этих конференций и выдающийся профессионализм участников располагают к открытому диалогу со всеми, кого интересует проблематика ведения и развития юридического бизнеса.
Юрий Пустовит
Управляющий партнер
Адвокатское бюро "Юг"
Краснодар, Россия
Интервью для информационного портала Pravotoday in UA, 26 июля 2010г.

I was very impressed by the whole thing: quality and number of delegates, programme, facilities and the efficiency of the whole organisation. The concept of a CIS conference seemed very intriguing and novel when I first heard of it. Minsk exceeded by expectations and demonstrated what an excellent idea this is. I made many interesting contacts and I certainly intend to attend future events, including the one in Almaty.
Rupert D'Cruz
Barrister at Littleton Chambers (London),
Secretary of the British-Russian Law Association and
English Bar Council's Representative for the CIS

Форум был как всегда очень интересным и продуктивным. Спасибо за очередную возможность познакомиться с таким количеством первоклассных юристов и просто интересных людей.
Ольга Михалева
Olga Mikhaleva
- Foreign Lawyer -
Hengeler Mueller
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Я сердечно благодарю Вас и Вашу команду за Форум.  Как всегда, Форум принес много новых знакомств и совместных проектов.  По-прежнему у Форума нет конкурентов
Татьяна Васильева
Alexandrov • Vasilieva & Associates
Прага, Чешская Республика

This is to thank you for making the Forum "as is" - a wonderful forum for people all over the world to meet and interlink. It really was a pleasure to be part of that 5th CIS Forum, this year even more as I knew some of the participants from last year and got to know many new colleagues alike. I enjoyed it a lot.
Gudrun Stangl
Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Vienna, Austria

This annual event has really gathered a momentum and has become a great and extraordinarily friendly and open networking occasion. I was impressed with Minsk, much more so than I expected to be and I'm already looking forward to the 6th annual forum in Almaty.
Nicholas Eastwell
London Consultant
London, United Kingdom

Thank you very much for hosting such an excellent meeting! I was very enthusiastic about having so many excellent new contacts in one place!
Clive Mieville
Managing Director
Mackrell International
United Kingdom

Let me thank you so much again for your warm welcome and the highly interesting Forum which you and your nice team had organized in such a perfect way. I was impressed by the courteous and respectful manner the CIS counsels dealt with each other and the interesting topics that were discussed. It was a real pleasure to be there. I look forward to next year already."
Dr. Oleg de Lousanoff
Hengeler Mueller
Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten
Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany

На мой взгляд, с содержательной точки зрения это была лучшая из всех конференций. А в плане человеческого общения всё идет по нарастающей, и многие люди стали почти родственниками. В общем, все было не только полезно, но и приятно, включая отель.
Ольга Ченцова
Управляющий партнер
Юридическая фирма Эквитас
Алматы, Казахстан

I would like to thank and congratulate you and your team for the excellent Forum which you organized this week in Kiev. I very much enjoyed not only the academic side, but the friendly atmosphere and the new acquaintances I made as well.
Cyril Troyanov
Secretan Troyanov Avocats
Geneva, Switzerland

Все было на высоте. К тому же у этой конференции был свой особый, очень уютный дух.
Александр Муранов
Адвокат, управляющий партнер
Коллегия адвокатов "Муранов, Черняков и партнеры"
Москва, Россия

I wouldn't miss it for the world!
Peter F. Lindborg
Lindborg & Drill LLP

Форум – это не просто хорошая, а отличнейшая инвестиция. Я не знаю ни одного мероприятия, которое было бы хотя бы в десятой части столь же практичным и полезным.
Татьяна Васильева
Руководитель практики по России и СНГ
KempHoogstad & Partners CIS B.V.

Мы благодарим Вас за возможность полезного общения, информация и опыт, полученные от коллег, безусловно, эффективно повлияли на стратегию развития нашей Компании. Одним из самых важных отличий Форума от многих других, на наш взгляд является создание среды, позволяющей конкурентам по-настоящему ощутить себя партнерами; создание комфортной атмосферы профессиональной искренности, обеспечивающей желание и условия для сотрудничества.  Позвольте пожелать Вам, Вашей компании, а также форуму процветания и успешного будущего.
Татьяна Гавриш
Президент – Председатель Правления
Юридическая компания "Инюрполис"

Форум прошел на самом высоком уровне. Самая главная задача подобного рода форумов – знакомить людей, и эта задача была блестяще выполнена организаторами, за что Вам огромное спасибо! Общение в кулуарах Форума было дружественным и веселым!
Александр Степановский
Управляющий партнер, директор
Юридическая компания ООО "Степановский, Папакуль и партнёры"

A heartfelt thanks to your team for another excellently-organized event in Baku! We found the second forum in Baku to be equally useful and enjoyable.
— Zaza Bibilashvili
Partner, BGI Legal
BGI Advisory Services Georgia

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Baku, I thought the organisation of the event and the presentations were all first class.

I regard the contacts I was able to make through the meeting as very valuable and that I very much hope to receive an invitation to next year's Forum and to have an opportunity to make a presentation at that event.

Devon & Exeter Law Society will be hosting a conference for the Federation of European Bars in our county in October 2008 and I'm on the organizing committee and I will be taking your conference to them as a model of how such a conference should be organised!
— Jeremy Ferguson
Consultant and Mediator
Devon & Exeter Law Society

I want to congratulate you on the outstanding Conference. Having been a Chairman of various international law conferences, I realize how much work is required to organize a successful conference. This Forum attracted lawyers from many countries and the speakers were very knowledgeable and of great interest. What I was particularly appreciative of was that the seminars ran smoothly and punctually, which is extraordinary for any conference. I look forward to participating in the next Forum and to meeting again my colleagues with whom I have established a professional relationship.
— David Franklin
Franklin & Franklin

Indeed, this is one of the most considered necessary events for me. I really enjoyed the company of my esteemed colleagues and I hope to attend next year event too.
— Zafar Malikov
Managing Partner
GRATA Law Firm

I agree that Baku is a terrific venue. I have every confidence in Fina LLP to host a glittering occasion. I found last year's Forum to be most useful, and I have benefited from some of the contacts that I have made, particularly in Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Russia.
— John Abramson
Regional Counsel AIG Central Europe & CIS
6 June 2007

As I found myself thinking so frequently during the two days of the Forum, it seemed in many ways so very surprising that, as far as I am aware (having practiced in the CIS region on and off for the last ten years or so), nobody had organized such a similar event before. But this Forum could not have been put together more smoothly and more efficiently and more impressively, with such a great balance of pure networking opportunities and the excellent formal panel sessions on very well chosen topics, and then the fun part in the evenings. And all in such an excellent venue. In terms of the new enquiries and instructions that we at Harneys have had since June, this is already proving to have been an extremely useful event for us to have attended.
— Tim Slater
Harney Westwood & Riegels
British Virgin Islands

It was a very good conference, and I can only imagine how much effort and time it took to organize it on such a high level. I rarely attend conferences but this one looked promising even from the agenda and it turned out to be a useful event.
— Tatiana Efremtseva
Baker Hughes B.V.

It was tremendously useful for our research, and I really enjoyed the presentations, and meeting lawyers from so many different jurisdictions. Everybody agreed that the conference was a great success, and I hope your plan of forming an association of local firms will meet with success.
— Ulla Weinberg
PLC Which Lawyer?
Practical Law Company Limited

Everything was fantastic! Really, just fantastic!
— Alexei Sidorov
Sidorov Khokhlov Uskov

It was the most interesting international meeting between lawyers from different countries that I have ever had. Both the forum program, the speakers and the entertainment part of the meeting was fantastic and I personally came to meet with many interesting personalities, both from the CIS region and elsewhere in the world.
— Advokat Björn-Anders Feijen
SOLON Advokatbyrå AB
Executive Director, Lawyers Associated Worldwide

One could sense from a distance that the conference would be very good, since there was obviously great care in the preparation, delegates information, guidelines for moderators and panelists and so on. But it turned out to be even better than anticipated. The attendance was spectacular, both in number and in geographical coverage. The panels were extremely interesting and disciplined and it’s very obvious that the CIS countries are becoming more and more important in business terms.
— Bernardo Diniz de Ayala
Servulo Correia & Associados, Chairman of Legalink

The forum was indeed the great success. I have not been to such an excellently organized and set conference for a number of years now.
— Anton Sitnikov
Pepeliaev, Goltsblat & Partners

These kinds of initiatives, which bring lawyers from around the globe together, have always created the possibility of successful, long, sincere and fruitful co-operations. Excellently organized initiatives like yours are a guarantee and not just a mere possibility of such a success.
— George Charalambides

Let me thank you again for the great work you and your dedicated team with RULG have performed in organizing the first CIS Local Counsel Forum in Kiev which I enjoyed in each and every respect: very informative panel presentations, good personal acquaintances, excellent food and a lot of cheer, the city tour you organized for Saturday morning was also a highlight, in other words: the conference was worth the time and money spend. I would strongly encourage you to seek for a second conference next year.
— Dr. Thomas Rihm
THOUVENIN rechtsanwälte

Для нас Форум оказался хорошим стимулом дальнейшего развития. За два дня мы получили столько много интересной и полезной информации, что всю дорогу домой обсуждали с партнером новые маркетинговые и иные проекты. [На Форуме] …удалось собрать открытых и дружественных людей, что создало особое настроение удовлетворенности у всех участников.
— Лилия Власова,
Татьяна Емельянова
"Власова и партнеры"

Many congratulations again on organising a great Forum. I think everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get together and swap stories as well as useful information about their firms and their practices. I am sure next year's will be even more successful now people have seen how useful this Forum was.
— Francis Kucera

I hope that this forum will become efficient network of CIS local lawyers and transfer into well established and operating organization.
— David Sargsyan
Ameria CJSC

I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the event in Kiev and found it very useful. The organization was superb, and I know everyone including myself appreciated your efforts.
— Zaza Bibilashvili
BGI Legal / Advisory Services Georgia
© 2025 RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.