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10th Forum, Tbilisi, Georgia 17-20 June 2015 9th Forum, Vienna, Austria 27-29 June 2014 8th Forum, Kiev-Odessa, Ukraine 26-29 June 2013 7th Forum, Yerevan, Armenia 6-8 June 2012 6th Forum Almaty, Kazakhstan 22-24 June 2011 5th Forum Minsk, Belarus 23-25 June 2010 4th Forum Kiev, Ukraine 24-26 June 2009 3rd Forum St. Petersburg, Russia 25-27 June 2008 2nd Forum Baku, Azerbaijan 20 – 22 June 2007 1st Forum Kiev, Ukraine 28-30 June 2006

Organizing Committee:


Dr. Irina Paliashvili
President and Senior Counsel
RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.

Mr. John Whittaker
Clyde & Co LLP

Mr. Dimitry Afanasiev
Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners

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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Arrival All day
Delegate Registration
as of 2 PM
At the Ballroom of the Kiev Hyatt Regency Hotel
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
Internal meeting of the CIS Local Law Firms and the Organizing Committee (all Forum Delegates are welcome; Russian-English simultaneous translation will be available)

Opening remarks:
Forum Co-Chair: Dr. Irina Paliashvili, RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group

Management Hour (organization and management of a law practice): partnership forms and issues, marketing, attracting young talent, virtual office update, personnel training, billing structures, technology, attorney compensation, and development plans

CIS Forum's Initiatives in Action! New Initiative: Regulatory Risks for Business and Strategies in Dealing with Regulatory Bodies and Follow up: CIS Competition Support Partnership

Moderator: Mr. Vassily Rudomino, Senior Partner, Alrud - Moscow
Ms. Elena Ovcharova, Head of Administrative Defense of Business Group, Pepeliaev Group - Moscow
Mr. Vladimir Sayenko, Partner, Sayenko Kharenko - Kiev

Presentation: "The Art of Networking - Creating Global Relationships - Cross Borders, Cross Cultures" - Mr. Itzik Amiel, Attorney-at-Law, Founder, CEO EyeRon Group B.V. - Amsterdam

7:30 PM Welcome Cocktail for Delegates and Guests: celebrating 20th Anniversary of Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners, Ballroom of the Kiev Hyatt Regency Hotel

Thursday, 27 June 2013

8:30 AM Delegate Registration at the Ballroom of the Kiev Hyatt Regency Hotel Welcome morning coffee
9:30 AM Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Forum Co-Chairs: Mr. Dimitry Afanasiev, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners;
Dr. Irina Paliashvili, RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group;
Mr. John Whittaker, Clyde & Co LLP;
Mr. Martin Solc, Secretary-General of the IBA, Partner, Kocian Solc Balastik - Prague

Panel: Showcase of the Host Country - Ukraine and its Regions
Moderator: Mr. Valentyn Zagariya, Managing Partner, Spenser & Kauffmann
Head of the Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Bar Commission - Kiev
Mr. Andriy Hrynchuk, Managing Partner, Hrynchuk Mazur & Partners - Lviv
Ms. Olena Kibenko, Managing Partner, Kibenko, Onika & Partners - Kharkiv
Dr. Sergii Koziakov, Managing Partner, Sergii Koziakov & Partners - Kiev
Mr. Andriy Selyutin, Head of South Ukrainian Branch, Arzinger - Odessa

11:00 AM Coffee break
11:30 AM Panel: Regional Update - Belarus, Moldova, Russia
Moderator: Mr. Konstantin Mikhel, Managing Partner, Vlasova Mikhel & Partners - Minsk
Mr. Sergey Pepeliaev, Managing Partner, Pepeliaev Group - Moscow
Mr. Octavian Cazac, Partner, Turcan Cazac - Chisinau

Panel: Regional Update - Central Asia and Caucasus Regions
Moderator: Ms. Olga Chentsova, Managing Partner, Aequitas Law Firm – Almaty
Mr. Nariman Ramazanov, Managing Partner, FINA LLP - Baku
Mr. Akbar Rasulov, Partner, the Representative of the Law Firm COUNCIL (Uzbekistan) in the United Kingdom - Glasgow
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Interactive Audience Panel (jointly with IBA and ABA International Leadership):
Resilient Dynamism: we have crossed the "point of no return", so let's get comfortable in the new environment!
Moderators: Mr. Dimitry Afanasiev, Chairman, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners - Moscow
Dr. Hermann Knott, Senior Vice-Chair of IBA's Law Firm Management Committee, Partner, Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH - Cologne
Mr. Barton Legum, Chair of ABA International Section, Partner, Dentons - Paris
2:50 PM Introducing Forum's Social Responsibility Initiative: the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine in Kiev and the Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra
3:00 PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM Live Interview with Corporate Counsel on New Age Partnership between Corporate and External Counsel
Anchor: Mr. Alexander Bolkvadze, Partner, BLC Law Office - Tbilisi
Guest: Ms. Natalya Pleshkova, Hewlett-Packard CIS Lead Regional Counsel - Kiev
4:15 PM Panel: The Increasing Role of Legal Infrastructure Industry (Professional Media, Consulting, Legal Directories, HR, Marketing) for a Local Law Firm
Moderator: Mr. Nick Eastwell, Kinstellar, London Consultant – London
Ms. Olga Dedova, Editor-in-Chief, Yurydychna Gazeta - Kiev
Mr. Alexander Moskovkin, Deputy CEO, Lexpro - Moscow
Ms. Olga Usenko, Editor-in-Chief, The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law - Kiev
5:00 PM Closing
7:15 PM
7:30 PM
Buses leave the Kiev Hyatt Regency Hotel
7:30 PM Gala Dinner
Showcasing local artists

Friday, 28 June 2013

9:15 AM Ballroom of the Kiev Hyatt Regency Hotel Welcome morning coffee
9:30 AM Panel: EU at our Doorstep - Harmonization with EU Legislation and Trends
("Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR)" and the Common European Sales Law - the most important project of the last ten years on the harmonization of European contract law and its meaning for the CIS countries)
Moderator: Dr. Paul Varul, Partner, VARUL – Tartu
Mr. Dmitry Matveyev, Partner, Aleinikov & Partners - Minsk
Dr. Christian Schmies, Partner, Hengeler Mueller - Frankfurt

News from Delegates: Mr. Paul Marmor, Partner, Sherrards Solicitors; Alliott Group Legal Chairman - London

Panel: New and Old Energy
(Conventionals, Unconventionals, Renewables)
Moderator: Dr. Irina Paliashvili, Managing Partner,RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group - Kiev
Mr. Ilgar Mehti, Managing Partner, EKVITA - Baku
Ms. Gabrielle Sigel, Partner, Jenner & Block - Chicago
11:00 AM Coffee break
11:15 PM Panel: Commercial Dispute Resolution: Litigation is Back!
Moderator: Ms. Irina Nazarova, Managing Partner, ENGARDE Attorneys at Law - Kiev
Mr. Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi, Partner, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners - Kiev
Ms. Irina Sidorova, Managing Partner, Cabinet Irina Sidorova - Paris
Mr. Robin Wittering, Partner, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners - Moscow

Presentations of Sochi - the next 9th CIS Forum Venue
Mr. Yuri Pustovit, Managing Partner, Advocates Bureau Yug - Krasnodar

Closing Remarks
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Buses Leave Kiev Hyatt Regency Hotel for Zhuliany Kiev Airport to Transfer to Odessa via Charter Flight
3:00 PM Charter Flight to Odessa from Zhuliany Kiev Airport
5:00 PM Checking into Bristol Hotel in Odessa, free time
7:15 PM
7:30 PM
Buses leave Bristol Hotel
7:30 PM Dinner for the Delegates at the seaside Columbus Restaurant http://www.columbus-odessa.com.ua/

Saturday, 29 June 2013

11:00 AM
5:00 PM
Buses leave Bristol Hotel
Grand Tour of the Shabo Center for Wine Culture, including Wine Tasting and Lunch: http://shabo.ua/en/main

7:00 PM The Closing Event at the Odessa Philharmonic Hall
Introduction: Forum Co-Chair: Dr. Irina Paliashvili, RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group
Keynote Speech: Mr. Pavlo Sheremeta, President of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) - Kiev
Keynote Speech: Dr. Oleg de Lousanoff, Partner, Hengeler Mueller - Frankfurt-on-Main
Meetings with the Odessa Legal, Business and Cultural Community - Natalia Myroshnychenko, Partner, InterLegal
Musical Present from the Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra, Chief Conductor Maestro Hobart Earle
Closing Dinner Party

© 2025 RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.